March 7, 2024 6:24 pm


Google Workspace has officially come to Bard. <branded logo intro> Hey Friends, I’m Tasia Custode and it’s
finally time to talk about these new Google Bard extensions, including what they are and
how to connect Bard to your Google Apps. Google keeps adding ways to make Bard more
helpful and it’s now possible for Bard to access information from your suite of Google
apps. This includes things like your Google Workspace
apps like Gmail, Docs, and Drive, as well as YouTube, Flights, and Maps.

This is done via extensions in Bard, that
are available to anyone with a Bard account. So here’s how to connect Bard to your Google
Apps. In order to enable the new Google Bard extensions,
all you have to do is head to and assuming you’re signed in, you’ll
probably get a few pop-ups letting you know there are new extensions in Bard. You can connect via these pop-ups, or you
can head up to the new extensions button near the top right and click on that. It looks like a puzzle piece. Here, you’ll have all the available extensions
so far. So we’ve got Google Flights, Google Hotels,
Google Maps, Google Workspace, and YouTube. Simply toggle on or off any extensions that
you’d like to give access or revoke access to.

With Google Workspace toggled on, you’ll
hit connect on this next pop-up to connect your workspace to Bard. So keep in mind, you are giving Google full
access to your data. Google has said they won’t share this information,
and they won’t use it to train Bard. But, if you don’t trust almighty Google
with your data, well, what are we even doing here? In all seriousness, you’d keep these toggled
off then. But here’s how these extensions actually
work once enabled in Bard. Let’s start with Google Flights. With this extension enabled you can pull in
real-time flight info, compare prices, or plan a visit.

So for any of these extensions, it’s up
to you whether or not you want to use the @ mention symbol. So let’s ask Bard to to find @flights from
phoenix to madrid roundtrip for February 13-27, 2024. I’ll hit enter and let Bard do its thing. This works just the same if you say find me
flights and you don’t use the @ symbol. Okay so here it’s pulled up some flight
info with a little warning at the top that we should make sure we double check flight
info. I’m not sure what this Arizona Air National
Guards Recruiting thing is all about here, but this info is correct. We can scroll through the available flights
or click to find these and more on Google Flights directly. If you click on an individual flight option,
that also takes you to Google Flights. But of course, back in Bard, once it’s pulled
this information in this chat, we can ask follow up questions like what is the weather
like in madrid during that time? And now Bard will let us know the weather
in Madrid at that time in February.

And you can now click to double-check Bard’s
responses and this will do a check on Google for you where it then highlights the verified
information for you. We can also do the same thing for hotels in
Bard now too. So we could have combined our flight and hotel
search or you can do it separately. I’ll stay in the same conversation and ask
bard to find a hotel in downtown for this trip. You could give other information here like
how many travelers and your budget, but let’s just keep it simple today. So here we go, Bard has pulled up some potential
hotels for this trip to Madrid. So Maps is going to work the same way, but
just so you know, at least as of right now, you can’t pull your personal maps history
into Bard.

So you can ask it to tell you the last time
you were in Canada as an example, it’s not gonna tell ya. But, you can get help with nearby locations,
and real-time directions. So we can prompt something like can you show
me all the italian restaurants within 5 miles of me? Notice, this is searching Google Maps without
me @ mentioning it, and here it’s pulled up some italian restaurants within 5 miles
of me and I can move around this map and zoom in and select a pin from the map. So you get the idea here, but this gets a
lot more interesting when it gets more personal.

So let’s use Bard’s Google Workspace extension
to search in Gmail, Drive and Docs. There’s a lot you can do here, but let’s
have it locate some information in my Gmail for me. I’ve got a bad memory, so let’s have Bard
find the date I first went to Florence Italy. And for this I will say search @gmail because
it can’t pull up the information for me without pulling from my Gmail. You could also just say search my email and
not worry about @ mentioning. Alright, so it’s pulled up a few emails
here, though none of them are actually the right date, but we’re getting close. I do like that if you click on an email it
will bring you right into that email in Gmail. So it did a decent job, but not exactly what
I wanted, probably because I’m too vague with my prompts. So if at first you don’t succeed, try again.

This time let’s ask Bard to find specific
flight info from my email and yes, here we go. This is exactly the info I was looking for. Plus, I can click right through to that email
if I wanted to right from here. But now let’s start a new chat and ask Bard
to summarize the latest emails from dermstore for me. Wow, okay it’s nailed it again here. I had an issue with a moisturizer I bought
and would you look at that, here is the latest information that I need all summed up for
me, plus the most recent emails for me.

I love this. Alright let’s see if Bard is as good with
Google Drive info. Let’s have it locate a pdf in my Drive account. Please find the last pdf I uploaded to my
drive account. And there we go, it’s pulled the last 2
pdfs I uploaded and I could click through to those if I wanted. So you can really get a feel for how these
extensions can help you personally. But let’s pop into a Docs example for good
measure. I’m going to ask Bard to summarize my document
on the newest Bard extensions. Super meta, I know. Alright, it’s done a great job here as well
and pulled the right information, as well as linked to two docs I have that talk about
Goole Bard extensions.

Love it. Just so you know, at least as of right now,
you can’t have Bard automatically create a doc for you. So, you could have it write what you need
then you can save that as a Google Doc, but it won’t make a doc that automatically exists
in your Drive. Am I making sense? Good. Last but not least, it’s time to explore
YouTube within Bard. So let’s ask Bard to give me tips for how
to re-grout a kitchen backsplash and show me helpful how-to videos.

And it’s automatically searching YouTube
for me which is great. And here we go, I’ve been given some tips
and underneath that I’ve got helpful YouTube videos that I could click through to watch. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with this integration
right out of the gate. I think it’ll only get better and better
as more users opt in and provide feeback. But, I’m also excited for an upcoming 3rd
party extension, Adobe Firefly. That extension will allow you to generate
an image with Firefly directly in Bard. This was teased at Google I/O but it has not
made it’s public debut yet. So what do you think of these new Bard extensions? Have you connected your Google Apps to Bard
yet? Why or why not? Let everyone know in the comments below. As always, if you liked this video, I want
to know so give it a like, a share, or leave that comment below. You can click right about here to subscribe
to my channel and right about here and here for even more videos like this.

Thanks for watching guys and see ya next time..

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