March 7, 2024 6:24 pm


Aloha! Welcome to Segment 1 in the No‘eau Center’s
on-demand streaming series on Developing Successful Presentations. This segment covers the importance of thoroughly
analyzing assignment prompts. Your host for this video will be Casey, one
of our No‘eau Center tutors. Hi everyone! My name is Casey and I’m a senior who is
majoring in Business Administration. Let’s start by talking about the importance
of reflecting on your assignment. Presentation success starts with analyzing
the assignment prompt. Take time to read over your professor’s
instructions. You might have received a handout in class,
or the information might be contained in your syllabus, or on Laulima. Try to identify the following: Is there a time limit? Lots of professors place time caps on student
presentations. In some instances, you may even be cut off
if you exceed the limit. That makes it all the more important to prepare
and rehearse before the big day. Are you expected to dress up? You don’t want to show up to presentation
day in swim trunks and slippers if everyone else in the room is in professional attire! If there is a mandatory dress code, failing
to dress appropriately can even have a negative impact on your grade.

Is it an individual or group presentation? The planning and logistics involved can really
differ, depending on the answer. Who is your audience? Are you presenting to other classmates or
to a room full of professors or industry professionals? The tone of your presentation should be appropriate
for the people in the room, so it’s important to know who’ll be watching. Are you expected or allowed to use visual
aids? Examples might include slideshows, videos,
or audience handouts. Presentations that include visuals usually
take much longer to prepare, so these details matter.

Another point related to visual aids is understanding
whether you’re allowed to use a notecard while presenting, or if you’re expected
to have your talking points memorized. Memorization takes a lot more time and practice,
so it’s important to know what the expectations are early on. How will the presentation be delivered? Will there be a live audience? Will you be presenting via videoconference? Or are you just recording a video at home
and uploading it to Laulima? The mode of delivery also changes the planning
and preparation process. Thanks for outlining these important considerations,
Casey! If you’re completing this workshop for credit,
please pause the video here and answer questions 1 through 5 in the quiz. Don’t forget to hit the “Submit” key
once you’ve finished. Hit play when you’re ready to resume to
review the full list of segments covered in this workshop, and our contact information
at the No‘eau Center. Here’s a series overview of the other segments
included in this workshop. In just a moment we’ll provide you with
our contact information, including our website, so feel free to visit to view any of these
other videos, or any of our other streaming offerings.

Thanks for watching!.

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