October 29, 2023 7:15 pm


in this video I'll show you how to resolve the chat GPT is at capacity right now error the error message will say too many requests in one hour try again later it may also say that chat GPT is at Max Capacity the reason why this error message is displayed is if you submit too many back-to-back requests in a short time period or if you are using it during peak times Peak usage times seem to be around 8 AM to 5 PM with the busiest times being before and after lunch the best thing to do is wait one hour and try logging in again to see if it works you can also try closing your browser and attempt to log in every 15 minutes to see if you can get in earlier you can also wait until later in the evening or after midnight when most people are probably asleep another option is to get an API key and use the paid open AI gpt3 playground the usage rates will vary depending on the plan you choose currently the most powerful version is called DaVinci and costs 2 cents per 1000 tokens as an example you can think of tokens as pieces of words where 1000 tokens is about 750 words so if you had it write a 750 word article it would cost you two cents you can find out more on their pricing by going to openai.com forward slash API forward slash pricing one more option is to try an alternative version called u-chat which is at u.com it's not as good as chat GPD but may work depending on what you need if this video was helpful to you please do us a favor and give it a like and don't forget to subscribe for more awesome tutorials like this one thank you for watching and have an awesome day

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